Based on my 30-plus years of teaching and working privately with clients, I have designed a series of courses to unlock your creative potential and guide you through your soul’s evolutionary journey. The courses are organized within five streams of instruction. The first stream utilizes the Mythic Path framework for personal transformation, spiritual development, and understanding your unique mythic journey. The second stream is devoted to navigating the challenging moments of life. The third stream is focused on health & wellness. The fourth stream is focused on musical artistry and performance programs, and the last stream of courses offers tools and techniques for accessing inner wisdom as the foundation for personal empowerment. All five streams focus on ways to assist you in reclaiming your creative authenticity and sharing your unique gifts as foundations for creating a more beautiful life for yourself and others.
The second program in the Mythic Path series focuses on clarifying the mythic story you are living. Through examining your biography and the deeper material underneath your life experiences (versus the narrative your mind tells about them), you begin to recognize the themes that make up your mythic story. Identifying those themes illuminates the limiting and inauthentic patterns that live within the four soul functions of thinking, feeling, willing (how you take action), and relating (social dynamics and patterns). By using aesthetic perception, embodied awareness, and enlivened thinking, you will learn to lift the veil of illusion that hides the true causative forces behind painful and limiting patterns and events. What emerges is a soul map containing the core destinations in your life journey that relate to your evolutionary and self-growth process. Seeing your journey on a soul map removes the blame, shame, and judgement that often becomes projected onto the self when you are working through challenging inner and outer patterns and dynamics.
The Soul Attunement Practice is the first of six energy practices in Gary’s courses. The practice combines imagery, embodied awareness, aesthetic perception and the subtle energy centers in the body to mend the fragmented soul (the byproduct of emphasizing a particular soul function to fit into your family), clear the subtle, energetic patterns and dynamics impacting your wellbeing, anchor in the qualities of experience you want in your daily life, and align you to your divine self. This is not a general, one-size-fits-all practice. The inherent power of the practice comes out of understanding your mythic path. Once you have identified the roles and behaviors you instinctually and unconsciously took on to bond with your family, you have a framework for an energy practice that restores your essential nature. Embracing this practice—a practice that clears out the energetics that no longer serve you and anchors in what you want in your life—turns you into a magnet attracting the people, places, and things that reflect your truth and your heart’s desires.
The Charting Process® is a modern, active-imagination process that utilizes embodied awareness as a gateway to unlocking inner wisdom and creative insights. It is a powerful, fun technique that can help you resolve challenging life events, expand your vision of the options and opportunities in your life, and pinpoint the limiting patterns that are holding you back. Active-imagination techniques can often be challenging for non-visual learners, but the Charting Process® combines kinesthetic, auditory, and visual processes thus making it one of the most powerful and easy tools available for personal empowerment.
This program focuses on utilizing the limiting and painful patterns within your soul life (your soul dynamics) as material for engaging a personal practice. Nearly all spiritual traditions and inner practices have some transformative value. However, the trap or addiction can be to engage in a practice without utilizing or focusing on the material that is most pertinent to transcending the conditioning that is holding you back. By translating the events, experiences, and dynamics within your soul life into inner pictures and images, you have at your disposal the substances needed for true transformation. Working with inner pictures and images in a meditation or contemplative practice, a sacred sleep practice, or an art or movement practice, peels away the veils of illusion perpetuated by the mind. Your individualized practice then becomes a true alchemical and transformative process. To know thyself is a lifelong pursuit, but no matter where you are on your journey up the spiritual mountain, you will benefit from creating a personalized practice that rewires the limiting dynamics in your soul life that are denying your ability to create the life you want.
Crisis to Clarity® 5-day immersion offers unique tools for navigating the challenging moments of life. Each day in the immersion introduces a new tool that will help you expand your understanding of what you are facing. The tools provided in the immersion will shine a light on the subtle, energetic patterns and dynamics playing out in your situation, the choices that preceded and fed into what you are experiencing, the critical support structures that keep you anchored in your truth, and how your challenge is guiding you back into the river of life. As you work with the tools presented in the immersion, you will build the inner capacities essential for navigating the challenge you are facing and for creating a life with more purpose, passion, and meaning.
The Rejoining the River of Life™ program offers a pioneering approach to navigating the challenging moments of life based on insights gleaned from Gary’s cancer journey, surviving the Montecito, California mudslide event, losing loved ones, and experiencing numerous other setbacks, disappointments, and struggles. The tools and techniques you will learn in this program will help you tap into your inner wisdom, perceive the inner nature of life where the road signs to your BECOMING reside, recognize how your current challenge echoes previous life experiences, and reclaim your inner passion and creative spark. This program offers real-life wisdom and practical tools that will decode your life challenges and clarify who you are, why your challenge is a part of your mythic journey, and how it is leading you to fulfill your destiny—the sharing of your unique gifts.
The Crisis Transcendence® Program offers an innovative framework for transforming your life challenges into a springboard to reclaiming your authentic self and discovering your sacred calling—the unique gifts you are meant to share with the world. The program offers tools and techniques sourced from ancient wisdom and 21st-century science. Employing those tools and techniques will empower you to pinpoint the roles, patterns, situations, and dynamics in your life, even those that you may not be conscious of, which are impacting your ability to navigate your crisis from a place of wholeness and personal empowerment. Through this program, you will learn how your crisis is guiding you to a more nourishing relationship with life—one that reflects your personal truth.
The Activate Your Healing Compass™ immersion presents innovative tools and techniques that build personal empowerment and increase receptivity to treatment. Taught as an immersion, each day introduces a new approach to the healing process, along with healing skills and navigational tools. At the conclusion of the five-day program, you will understand the patterns and dynamics impeding your receptivity to treatment, the critical support structures that meet your healing needs, the keys to creating safety so your body can heal, who you are on the other side of your illness, and how to tap into your healing compass to guide you through your physical challenge.
This program is designed to support anyone facing a life-challenging illness. It offers a unique framework that highlights both the visible and hidden components of your life that are perpetuating stress and dis-ease—impeding your receptivity to treatment and separating you from experiencing a life that fully nourishes your soul. Once you access your own inner wisdom and latent healing ability, symptoms and experiences become road signs guiding you through your healing process. By distilling the gold out of your illness, a picture comes into focus around what is needed to create a foundation for health and wellness, and how to step more fully into the creative gifts and expressions that bring beauty to your life and to the lives of others.
The Cancer Transcendence® Program offers an innovative framework that utilizes the cancer experience as a springboard to discovering and reclaiming your authentic self and to creating a life that fully nourishes your soul. The program offers tools and techniques sourced in ancient wisdom and 21st Century science, which will empower you to pinpoint the roles, patterns, situations, and dynamics in your life, even those that you may not be conscious of, that are impacting your overall health and wellness, and inhibiting your body’s ability to respond to treatment—whether conventional or alternative. Through this program you will learn how your cancer can guide you to your BECOMING—a version of yourself where cancer has no home.
Every great story starts at the beginning, and that is precisely what the first program in the ASR Series does. Your ASR journey starts by exploring your early life conditioning (the beginning of your story) and how you altered yourself to bond with your family. As a part of fitting into your family, you took on specific roles. Those roles are hiding who you really are. When you identify the roles you took on to bond with your family, the patterns and dynamics in your life that have been hidden up until now are revealed, giving you critical information to use when navigating the challenging moments of life. Through this course, you will create a map that will guide you in your mythic journey and a daily practice that will bring balance and harmony to your life.
The second program in the ASR Series utilizes the Alchemical Barometer to reveal the deeper meaning underneath what you are experiencing emotionally. The Alchemical Barometer is a tool Gary created for his clients to help them distill the gifts hidden within their life challenges. The Barometer gives you a structure to work with your emotions to identify unmet needs, healing movements for your life, and inner capacities yearning to be reclaimed. It is easy to resist looking at and feeling pain and discomfort. Utilizing the barometer and its accompanying tools and techniques during challenging events will make it possible to keep company with what you are experiencing emotionally and to become the master of your life—experiencing true personal empowerment.
The third program in the ASR Series offers a unique approach to biographical work that reveals hidden dimensions of your life journey. When you break down the seven-year phases of life using the format presented in this course, you will see yourself, the journey you have been on, and your future in a completely new way. Identifying the conscious and unconscious beliefs dictating your reality, the ancestral patterns playing out in different arenas of your life, and the capacities and practices that restore balance to your mind, body, and soul are just some of the byproducts of understanding your personal mythology. Fully understanding the complexity of your mythic story allows you to create a new one—a story that brings healing to your life and reflects your creative authenticity.
The final program in the ASR Series offers a revolutionary new practice for working with your subtle, energetic bodies. Combining embodied awareness, aesthetic perception, and the structure of the Tree of Life clarifies the energetic dynamics that are holding you back from actualizing your dreams. The inner, and subtle, energetic Tree of Life lives within each of us. When you access the tree, you become aware of why you are experiencing certain life dynamics and the causative factors behind what you are experiencing. Most importantly, you will connect to what you are being asked to reclaim within yourself and to the healing movements that align you to your divine self. This inner alignment allows you to fulfill your sacred calling—the gifts you are meant to share with the world.
The PTPM program provides simple tools and techniques based on breakthroughs in neuroscience, somatic psychology, and mind-body medicine, to empower musicians of all ages to approach their musical life with an embodied, emotional connection to their creative voice and to the music they are playing. Utilizing this approach effects change at the most critical level—in the brain—rewiring the neural pathways associated with the creative process, thereby reducing performance anxiety, and enhancing musical artistry. In this program musicians learn how to apply this approach in all facets of their musical life—practicing, rehearsing, performing, and auditioning—helping them to display their musical gifts when it matters most.
This special program for musicians expands upon the Pathways to Performance Mastery (PTPM) program and focuses on using what arises in a musician’s career as a platform for personal growth and transformation. The program uses Gary’s Mythic Path framework to identify how a musician’s temperament, life experiences, and psychological conditioning play a part in molding their strengths and weaknesses as a player. As a musician notices what they bring into the music-making process, especially the patterns and behaviors that limit their potential and impede performance, core dynamics and life lessons are illuminated that are essential to address in order to produce long-term health and wellness. It is impossible to separate a musician’s life from their creative process, yet that is often the mindset of a musician. This program offers tools and techniques that enhance a musician’s life and their ability to perform their best when it matters most.
This program supports anyone desiring to perform better under pressure, especially when taking tests or making presentations. The Taming Test Anxiety system breaks down the learning process and identifies where stress enters into the processes of absorbing, processing, organizing, retaining, and recalling information. Deepening your understanding of how you learn unlocks your ability to excel at anything you decide to do in your life. Learning how to tap into the felt sense in your body during the learning process will empower you to recognize exactly what you need to support how your brain works, to keep your mind more focused, and to control your nerves, so you can demonstrate your fullest potential when it matters most.
This program offers an innovative and safe approach to utilizing inner dialogue work to transcend patterns of inner resistance and limiting behaviors. This technique not only brings to light the core conditioning and programming from your childhood, but also creates an understanding of how to reclaim your creative authenticity. By recognizing your instinctual programming (via the Mythic Path Profile) and using Gary’s framework for identifying archetypal expressions, you will experience great freedom and safety in navigating the inner self. You will learn to stay at the wheel of your life’s ship by honoring the autonomous archetypal energies of your psyche without giving away your power to those parts of your psyche that are aligned with instinctual patterns of adaptation and bonding. As you demystify your inner self, entanglements and life experiences in the outer world become clear, and you are able to transcend the patterns that deny your creative truth.
Perceiving and listening to the wisdom that arises through the body is a powerful way to keep inner work practical and applicable to real life issues and experiences. Insights gained through spiritual practices can often seem esoteric and challenging to make sense of and apply in your everyday life. In this program, Gary will teach you the six steps in the Soul Gesture® practice and how it can be used to further illuminate what surfaces through your meditation or contemplative practice, the messages from your dreams, the hidden dynamics in social situations, and reoccurring limiting behaviors and patterns.
This program presents a powerful self-healing technique which combines Jin Shin Jyutsu finger holds (utilizing an expanded understanding of the neurological systems associated with each finger) with the nine eye-modes, representing psychological dynamics and patterns within the soul. Learning this technique will allow you to recognize the hidden patterns and energetics that are impacting your life, to understand the relationship between your inner life and the outer world, and to identify the specific corrections and healing movements that enhance mind-body healing, decrease emotional pain and discomfort, and produce feelings of safety and wellness.
This program expands on Gary’s Mythic Path framework by connecting the limiting patterns and trials associated with your mythic path to resonant mythology and folk or fairy tales. Through this connection you will not only tap into archetypal wisdom from your unconscious, but also have at your disposal powerful images and symbols to use in an art, meditation, movement, or sacred sleep practice. By following in the footsteps of mythic figures who have walked a similar path, you will access both ancient and inner wisdom for navigating life’s challenges and trials.
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